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Jelang German Open 2018, Duo Ganda Putra Jangkung Denmark Merasa Didiskriminasi

By Any Hidayati - Selasa, 6 Maret 2018 | 16:30 WIB
Pasangan ganda putra Indonesia, Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo (kanan),memberikan salam di atas podium setelah mengalahkan Mads Conrad-Petersen/Mads Pieler Kolding (Denmark), dengan skor 21-12, 21-18 pada laga final Hong Kong Open 2017 yang berlangsung di Hong Kong Coliseum, Minggu (26/11/2017). (BADMINTON INDONESIA)

Pada German Open 2018 yang mulai bergulir pada Selasa (6/3/2018), aturan baru soal pukulan awal/servis 115 cm mulai berlaku.

Menurut aturan Federasi Bulu Tangkis Dunia (BWF) terbaru, pada ajang German Open 2018 ini aturan tentang servis pemain tidak boleh lebih dari 115 cm mulai diberlakukan.

Regulasi tersebut mungkin tidak terlalu signifikan untuk pebulu tangkis berpostur mungil, tetapi dapat menjadi bencana bagi pemain jangkung.

Begitulah kiranya yang disesalkan oleh salah satu pebulu tangkis tertinggi di dunia, Mads Pieler Kolding.

Dengan tinggi 205 cm, Kolding terbilang sangat jangkung di olahraga bulu tangkis.

(Baca Juga: Jorge Lorenzo Masih Belum Nyaman Meski Memasuki Tahun Kedua Bersama Ducati)

Lucunya, bukan Mads Pieler Kolding yang curhat panjang lebar tentang servis 115 cm melainkan sang rekan, Mads Conrad-Petersen.

Melalui akun Instagram @madsconrad1, Petersen mengungkapkan kekesalannya dengan aturan servis baru yang menurutnya mendekati mustahil untuk sang rekan.

Pebulu tangkis 186 cm itu bahkan menyebut aturan servis 115 cm seperti sebuah diskriminasi untuk pebulu tangkis jangkung.


This is insane! All players above 1.80 have to change their serve radically before next weeks German open and then the biggest tournament of the year All England. For some it might be relatively easy, for the majority it is extremely difficult ( I am in that category ) and then for players above 2.00m it is to be honest almost impossible. We will go to Germany Monday and we will try to win and play as good as possible. It will be extremely hard but let’s see. But before all these tournaments start, I have to say that this rule, in my opinion, is so extremely discriminating to us taller players but especially to my partner @m_kolding. We play against 2 players from Thailand in the first round who are 1.63cm and 169 cm. They can serv however they want and still be under 1.15 cm. We will not go down without fighting and we will have to find new ways to play the game. We will find solutions. But after having talked to several judges and umpires doing the last couple of days it seems as they also don’t know how it will work. They don’t know how to sit, how far away from the device they need to be, and after having played matches with them as service judges, they all see the 1.15cm though their own eyes. Some think my new serve is fine, some believe it is to high and some say that I can get it a little higher. The new rule will change the game but it is still almost impossible for the judges. Ok no more talking let’s get to it in Germany. We don’t want to give up in any way but I believe it is important not just to accept things if they are not fair. Here is a clip of Kolding “trying” to serv. He is 1 meter behind the service line as it is impossible to make a regular serv at 1.15 from the service line. #newrule #germanopen #hmmm

A post shared by Mads Conrad-Petersen (@madsconrad1) on

"Sebelum turnamen berlangsung, saya harus katakan jika aturan tersebut menurut saya seperti sebuah diskriminasi yang sangat ekstrem terutama untuk rekan saya @m_kolding," tulis Petersen pada Sabtu (3/3/2018).