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Beragam komentar menghiasi dinding laman Twitter yang sebagian besar mengkritisi kualtias wasit-wasit di Liga Inggris saat ini serta kepantasan Oliver menjadi pengadil di Piala Dunia 2018.
Berikut cuitan-cuitan warga net yang dihimpun BolaSport.com:
Seeing tonight why Michael Oliver isn’t going the World Cup. Very poor performance
— Gavin Murphy (@GamePlanGavin) 30 April 2018
Michael Oliver is EMBARRASSING
— Hamid (@HamidTHFC) 30 April 2018
Says a lot that Oliver is the highest rated referee in England, still no World Cup.
— Ben (@InsideN17) 30 April 2018
Michael Oliver, continuing and upholding the benchmark that Premier League referees have. Absolute shite. #TOTWAT #COYS
— John (@john2horn) 30 April 2018
@PremLeaguePanel watching Michael Oliver tonight shows why English referees get know recognition and why none are at the World Cup some shocking decisions
— Lee Denieffe (@Denieffe00) 30 April 2018